Find A Community of Others

Who Are Just Like You

We have support groups that meet the specific needs of people in the loss community from general miscarriage and grief, second trimester loss, IVF, infertility, recurrent losses, and more.

Weekly Group Sessions Through Zoom

Moderated by your designated doula, you'll meet weekly for the duration of the support group and discuss different preplanned topics, have space to discuss stressors and hardships in real time, and support from an intimate community of people who understand.


Each support group gets a private group chat with the other group members that way you can keep in touch between group calls AND continue to build community and have an outlet on a hard day. The group chat is held via WhatsApp and also gives you access to your doula.

custom handouts and pertient resources

our founder, Arden Cartrette, has created miscarriage, grief, and trauma handouts meant to support you on your journey after loss. by joining our support group, you get full access to these resources and the ability to discuss them in a group setting.

Starting June 3rd

Join us for a six-week support group that meets on Monday evenings at 8pm EST to discuss the grief that comes with pregnancy loss in the first trimester. Our groups bridge the gap in what tradition bereavement care is often missing.

Learn More

Starting June 18th

For women who have experienced 2+ miscarriages and are seeking community, guidance, and support through grief and medical testing.

Learn More

How many people are in a single support group?

We limit all of our support groups to 10 people max to keep an intimate feel!

what happens if someone gets pregnant in a miscarriage group?

A valid concern that everyone has about our groups -- let's discuss this! There are people who are actively trying to conceive at the same time as processing their grief and moving forward. From time to time, someone in a support group will become pregnant. We handle all pregnancy announcements with care by asking the newly pregnant person to reach out to their moderator that way the moderator can give a trigger warning before the person shares. PREGNANCY ANNOUNCEMENTS SHOULD NEVER BE SHARED WITHOUT A MODERATOR'S SENSITIVE WARNING AND SHOULD NEVER BE SHARED IN THE PRIVATE GROUP CHAT

If I had a "chemical pregnancy" where do I fit in?

We recognize "chemical pregnancies" as regular pregnancies! So you are able to join a first trimester centric group like the General Miscarriage Support or Recurrent Loss group. Whichever feels best for you! We don't deem certain loses more worthy of support than others.

Do you support people who have experienced TFMR?

TFMR (Termination for Medical Reasons) - Yes! A loss is a loss and we do have clients who have had to make the compassionate choice to terminate a very wanted pregnancy. We are inclusive to all types of pregnancy loss.

What do I do if I fit into multiple categories?

I hear you -- my advice is to pick the group that fits you best! For example, if you've had recurrent pregnancy losses and are about to start IVF / the RPL group would focus more on the grief element and the IVF group will focus more on the cycles and fertility elements.

If you've had a loss at 12 weeks, I consider that to be the second trimester unless you feel more comfortable in the "General" or first trimester loss group.

Email Arden with any questions at

what's your refund policy?

We understand that support groups aren't what everyone needs and some people don't realize that until they try it out. For that reason, we have a refund policy where you can get 75% refund if you withdraw from a group prior to the 2nd group session. After that period is over, we cannot offer a refund. (special circumstances considered)

Who do I contact with questions about support groups?

Reach out to Arden directly via email:

Do you offer payment plans?

Yes! Reach out to Arden for a payment plan that fits your budget: